After 10 years of Facebook, I find myself tired,irritated and fed up the more time I spent on fast social media.
Aren’t things fast enough already? I mean what’s the rush? Ya wanna be FIRST to report,or comment or what?
When I started asking myself these questions I had to recognize that I was becoming or had already become a drone in the march to...well ... what looked like a cliff of self centered disregard for almost everything- a never ending bottomless pit of rush to speak, and ignore the present....
I’ve had very few times ( in 10 years) that I felt I could not endure the social rhetoric and sharing of information both intelligent and ridiculous- but this is that time.
Our society is turning into a ferocious cannibal of human spirits. We have so easily exalted our own ideas above the ideas of others and gobbled up the meek, the thoughtful and the kind until there are very few of those humans left.... at least in the fast paced social media conveyor belt of doom!
Don’t get me wrong- I know there are nice people there- and I know it has its place .
I have found myself frustrated at trying to be kind and thoughtful only to have my thoughts trampled like so much garbage.Then I was hurt...then angry and well, we all know where that is gonna end up.ðŸ¤
With a day or so of thought I decided to end my days with Facebook- for how long , I don’t know.
I don’t like the me that was becoming more and more isolated though a great many folks were present on my “ friends list” - my thoughts becoming more and more self centered and less and less long suffering as each day passed.
A few weeks prior, (I guess I was unconsciously realizing my unhappiness) I stumbled onto a picture with a word that I had no idea the meaning of.
HYGGE- it’s Danish.🤨
It means...loosely: the art of creating intimacy, coziness of the soul,the absence of annoyance, cozy togetherness.
What? How DOESN'T want that?
It marks the beginning of understanding what my physical body was craving- something I knew and lived before and needed to experience again!
So here I am...back to blogging and slowing things down a bit.
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