Friday, July 25, 2008


I have been on a de-cluttering binge this week so I am moving things around alot- which leads to rearranging my "treasures".

I just love this old jar but unless it's down low you can't really see the letters, which I think are so sweet. Soooooo... in finding things to fill it up with I remembered the jar block swap fabric I had left over and there ya have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The jar is on the top of my cabinets with TONS of other pieces that I just love!

In cleaning out I have to be very careful because it makes room for more treasures. I am trying really hard to limit my thrifting since I do get out of hand with a good deal.

I mean one person only needs so much stuff- even if it IS a great deal!!!My daughter and I both get a littlle carried away with our "thrifting therapy" so we made a deal to not spend even a quarter in thrifting for 7 full days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We really need to make it a month but neither of us could deal with that big of a goal- bad huh???

Today is day 1!!!!!! I'll let ya know how it goes!


Nancy Jo said...

Know what you maen about the thrifting thing getting out of hand. Its a hard train to stop.
Did you see the redwork quilts on my site? My Grandma made one in the 1930's and so did Richard's aunt. I posted a picture today.Yours is so cute. I love redwork. Really should be getting at my embroidery again.

KKJD1 said...

Hi, I just wanted to come over and visit your blog I visit Bekah's everyday. She has been such an inspiration to me.
I love thrifting or flea marketing but I have run out of places to put things. So I am really having to go easy on the shopping. Love the Juice jar! Have a great weekend. Oh one more thing Im having a giveaway on my blog come over and sign up! Karen

Autumn said...

Tks for stopping girlz!

Do ya do redwork Nancy Jo?

Nice to meet ya Karen- any friend of Bekah's is......probably young enough to be my daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!
No really thanks for stopping by- I'll hop over to your place to check out the give away- I lOVE free stuff!!!