Friday, October 29, 2010

Around and around she goes...............and where..

she stops nobody knows!!!!

Funny how time flies....I remember
both of these days...vividly!

The first one was taken in 1978-with a Canon AE-1-my brand new 35 mm camera-about 2 miles from where I live now..
The second was taken 32 years later....last month~

As I look at the
young, thin "me" I realize that I had no idea what adventures were ahead of me.

I had no idea of the steps that I would take-nor did I know how to prepare for those steps.
If I HAD known...would I have taken them? Doubtful....I'm not particularly brave or adventurous and I certainly don't enjoy conflict~ yet my life has been all of these things!
Quite honestly I think it's been a circus~ at least from this vantage point

Today, as I walked out to the road to get the garbage can I was just taking care of business-not really thinking and suddenly I was immersed in wonderfulness- it was completely unexpected!

I stopped and just was the simplest thing- the wildflowers were swaying gently in the sunshiny breeze and all I could do was wonder at the perfect balance of color and texture and the way each played a perfect part in this visual symphony...and ALL FOR ME!!!

I wanted to take a picture..but I knew that the breeze would be missing...or paint the scene...but the texture would never show.
So I just stood there ....and felt... and listened..... and enjoyed the symphony.

Lilies in the Bible: Matthew 6:28-29
Anyone who doubts that God will provide for His followers need only look at the meticulous care and love with which He maintains the natural world. If God adorns the flowers so beautiful, doesn't it make sense that he'd lavish even more support and love on His children?

Psalms 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

In that moment I realized how many,many things God had ordained in my life and how many ways He had prepared me to meet each challenge-I could neither have planned OR prepared myself for any of it!

It was refreshing to REMEMBER that i wasn't in charge of all the things that concern me...... I finished my walk and felt 30 yrs younger... :)


Gwen Kelley said...

I love those kind of walks. You have to be listening though,and you were. Thanks for sharing:)