Tuesday, March 17, 2009



For those of you that don't know him, my husband is the sweetest most considerate man I have ever known.

He sometimes  wonders if he has ever done anything of importance

"in the Kingdom".

I know he has- but often he doesn't realize the many things he's done that have made a difference.

He has been a wonderful husband and father, a hard worker and fun grandpa. He has led countless bible studies,helped the poor, visited the lonely and shopped with GARY!!!!!!!!! :) 

He's even a good father-in-law(I have this on their word!!) He's made our home a FUN place to live and a safe place for ALL our children.

More than anything else ,he's built(by all these things and more) a firm foundation on Jesus Christ that each of our children can firmly plant their feet on and build upon.

Nothing else could define   success to me.

Honey, I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!!!



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bubba said...

Happy birthday to you too.

bekah said...

Happy birthday my sweet daddy! I love you love you! Abby was very worried that you haven't had a party yet..LOL!
You're the best daddy and pawpaw in the whole world !