Friday, September 26, 2008

FREE-CYCLE Friday a success.........

Well..... if you count sunshine, a cool breeze, good friends, young and old , food and plenty of laughing and talking .... and by the way we did bring our "stuff", traded and swapped  it, and then hauled off the leftovers to Care Help!

It was almost TOO MUCH FUN!!!!!! I can't wait till next month!!!

(The next Freecycle Friday will be October 31- same place-weather permitting)

(Click on a picture to enlarge )




lacey said...

What a fabulous idea!! I love it! I might even steal it :)

auntbum said...

I'm sure it wasn't my own idea- but I have no idea where I got it! You know me- I love thrifting- even if it is someone else doing it!!! We all did it this week!

Bekah said...

definatly was fun! I got a couple really cool rid of some stuff too!